Why This Black Texan Voted Early For Bernie Sanders Yesterday

I’m a black person who is a bit perplexed by the win Clinton had in South Carolina tonight.

Hillary Clinton seems dismissive and patronizing of black individuals who are not in her corner. She has for years. She is using them to garner votes; when they are inconvenient to her, she dismisses them.

She wants to bring us to heel. She wants to make sure that black people behave themselves. And, I see that in the below clip, where she dismisses a woman at an upscale $500-per-person fundraising dinner:


“Okay, back to the issues” is, in my dictionary, dismissive.

Contrast that with Bernie Sanders, who let black individuals speak at his own rally.

Image via Tiffany Von Arnim under CCL 2.0

You may think that what the protestors did was over the top; you may not. But one thing is clear: He is not interested in bringing black people to heel. He is interested in listening to our concerns. He is interested in real change that will protect us from racist cops, judges, and laws. He listens better than Clinton, according to BLM evaluations themselves.

Can you see Bernie Sanders allowing a black woman to be forcibly removed from a private $500 dinner for asking him to address remarks she thought were racist?

And then, once she was escorted out, saying, “Now, back to the issues I think are important” in ANY context?

Be honest.

That’s why I voted for Sanders yesterday in the Texas Primary.

And you should, too.