1. I am angry that little children are told that they will go to hell if they don’t believe in the Bible.
The prevalence and accuracy of angry-atheist perceptions were examined in 7 studies with 1,677 participants from multiple institutions and locations in the United States. Studies 1–3 revealed that people believe atheists are angrier than believers, people in general, and other minority groups, both explicitly and implicitly. Studies 4–7 then examined the accuracy of these beliefs. Belief in God, state anger, and trait anger were assessed in multiple ways and contexts. None of these studies supported the idea that atheists are particularly angry individuals. Rather, these results support the idea that people believe atheists are angry individuals, but they do not appear to be angrier than other individuals in reality.
2. I am angry that, according to recent studies, Atheists are more distrusted in society than rapists.
- Study: Atheists distrusted as much as rapists – USATODAY.com
Psychologists say study shows anti-atheist prejudice stems from moral distrust, not dislike, of nonbelievers.
3. I am angry that churches say homosexuality is a sin, and then deny that the teaching does any damage in the face of many homosexuals who claim the opposite, through tears and suicide.
- Study: Tolerance Can Lower Gay Kids’ Suicide Risk
“LGBT Kids who experienced high levels of rejection were nearly 8.5 times more likely to have attempted suicide. They were nearly six times more likely to report high levels of depression and almost 3.5 times more likely to use illegal drugs.”
4. I am angry that people spend their lives trying to figure out “God’s will,” paralyzing their lives instead of striking out and embracing it.
- Confused About God’s Will/Where’s My Life Going? Frustration
“What do you do when you’re BEGGING for God to take control, but nothing happens? I have literally been crying over my Bible all week. This isn’t something new…I’ve been praying for guidance for so long.”
5. I am angry that people think individuals who I know don’t deserve it are going to spend eternity in hell.
6. I am angry parents teach their children that God once drowned almost everyone in the world because they thought like me.
7. I am angry that wives who are abused are told to submit to abusive husbands in church because that’s what the Bible says.
- Christian Domestic Discipline Promotes Spanking Wives To Maintain Biblical Marriage
When a follower of the Christian Domestic Discipline movement decides what to hit his God-fearing wife with, research is important. A hairbrush, for example, is “excellent for achieving the desired sting” but can break easily.
9. I am angry that Christianity makes “faith” a virtue, opening the door for parents to trust in prayer as opposed to medicine because of scriptures like that at the end of I Corinthians 5 (“the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well”), and literally allowing children to die, become deeply ill, or experience severe pain. I’ve seen the stories and interviews, and they make me cry and makes my blood boil, and I think they should.
10. I am angry that Christianity encourages parents to make their children read about the genocides in the Old Testament, which are “OK” because God commanded them through a prophet who just happened to have God’s advice. For me, it’s like allowing children to read about the Nazis and teaching them that God spoke through Hitler, but worse.
- Barry A. Hazle Jr., Atheist, Wins Nearly $2 Million In Settlement Over Faith-Based Rehab Program
A California atheist has won a settlement of nearly $2 million after being sent to jail on a parole violation for objections he made about participating in a faith-based rehab program.
- After 75 Years of AA, It’s Time to Admit We Have a Problem – Pacific Standard: The Science of Societ
Challenging the 12-step hegemony.
12. I am angry that the church spends millions of dollars on buildings and salaries for ministry staff that comes from people in the congregation — the people feel obligated to pay for the very people who are perpetuating the fraud of Christianity.
13. I am angry that churches get tax-exempt status when they are heavily involved in politics.
- As churches get political, IRS stays quiet| Reuters
(Reuters) – Pastor Jim Garlow will stand before congregants at his 2,000-seat Skyline Wesleyan Church, just weeks before the U.S. presidential and congressional elections, and urge his flock to vote for or against particular candidates.
14. I am angry that the Bible’s concept of turning the other cheek has been used to convince the underprivileged in society not to fight back.
- On Turning The Other Cheek
“Over the centuries, this text has been written on human bodies in bruised cheeks, swollen lips, blackened eyes, bloodied noses, broken jaws, and far worse.”
15. I am angry that Christianity defines the entire worth of other people based on whether or not they believe one of the most fantastic stories ever told.
- Are you saved? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
“You must know and acknowledge that there is only one God,that Jesus is God in flesh, that you are a sinner,that you need to repent of your sins,and that the only way to find forgiveness is to trust in Jesus alone,by faith alone,through grace alone.”
16. I am angry at the way Christianity utilizes verses like 2 Corinthians 10:5-6 that tell people to take every thought captive, effectively making sure its ideology traps minds.
- How to Take Every Thought Captive: The Battle for Your Mind
2 Corinthians 10 commands us to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. How do we break the strongholds in our minds?
17. I am angry that Christianity convinces people to love a dead person more than they love their own families.
- Yes, Natasha, he really loves Jesus more than he loves you
“Each and every day, I know and am painfully aware of the fact that my parents love Jesus more than they love me, and that they would and did pick him over me.”
18. I am angry that most Christians don’t read their Bibles carefully before sending the treacherous book to third-world countries.
- Americans Love The Bible But Don’t Read It Much, Poll Shows
More than half of Americans think the Bible has too little influence on a culture they see in moral decline, yet only one in five Americans read the Bible on a regular basis, according to a new survey.
19. I am angry that the dedication to faith leads many Christians to categorically reject any careful study that disproves any of their faith tenets, and yet many Christians insist they are engaging in rational debate.
“You give me the awful impression of someone who hasn’t read any of the arguments against your position ever.”
20. I am angry that people are encouraged to follow Christ for primarily emotional reasons, but when they use that same emotional reason to leave Christ, they are told that they cannot do so. Christianity often highlights people’s emotions and states that hard thinking and rationalization for your stances is unnecessary when you are in Christianity, but when you leave, suddenly your emotions are invalid, and in addition many people’s ability to rationally defend themselves is diminished by decades of encouragement for the rank and file in the congregation to “just trust God.” Furthermore, the emotion to love other people often is a reason people leave Christianity, and it is applauded UNTIL they leave Christianity. In other words, Christianity often develops emotions inside people that it controls through definition (it decides whether you are a loving person or not, for example), and then it often bars people from the rational development that it then requires from people in place of emotion once these people leave Christianity. This seems very cruel to me. I’m not making this up…there are plenty of stories from other former Christians to this effect, and I have experienced it myself.
- Why are believers ignorant about atheists? – Salon.com
“Rev. Gavin Dunbar made an argument that, unless you believe in God, you have no reason to care whether the people you love live or die, or even or even to love them in the first place.”
- Guilt Trip – Think Atheist
A question on a message board leads into a discussion on the guilt non-Christians feel after deconversion, due to brainwashing in Christianity.
“The hardest thing of all is that when we have exposed modern man to his tension [of hopelessness without God], he still may not be willing for the true solution. Consequently, we may seem to leave him in a worse state than he was in before…. We confront men with reality; we remove their protection and their escapes; we allow the avalanches to fall. If they do not become Christians, then indeed they are in a worse state than before we spoke to them.” — Francis Schaeffer, THE GOD WHO IS THERE, at the end of Chapter Two
22. I am angry that many apologetics books (especially those written by presuppositionalists in the tradition of Francis Schaeffer) explicitly train apologists to push their potential converts into suicidal shame and despair in order to make them pliable for brainwashing via Christian ideology.
23. I am angry that some Christian apologists out and out LIE in order to sell books (Frank Turek and Lee Strobel — here’s looking at you), and that the aura of Christianity as fundamentally good in this culture makes them exempt from moral criticism.
24. I am angry that belief in Christianity has caused many to think the world is going to end in catastrophe and they’ll go to heaven as part of God’s plan, making them less concerned about trying to save this world for their children (God’s got it under control, and He’s planning on getting rid of it anyway). This especially exhibits itself in thoughts on global warming.
- Limbaugh: ‘If You Believe In God, Then Intellectually You Cannot Believe In Manmade Global Warming |
“See, in my humble opinion, folks, if you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in manmade global warming … You must be either agnostic or atheistic to believe that man controls something that he can’t create.” — Rush Limbaugh
25. I am angry that many Christians simply wear the title without taking the Bible seriously, because they are part of the reason there is so much misery among the confused people who actually do try to live by it. If you don’t take the Bible seriously as a Christian, just be honest and leave the religion instead of disparaging those who do take it seriously.
- One in Four Believers Are ‘Christians in Name Only,’ According to Survey
Changing the Face of Christianity Inc, a non-profit corporation dedicated to reversing negative Christian stereotypes, has released the results of a quiz designed to determine how well Christians live the teachings of Jesus Christ.
26. I am angry that today’s evangelism programs teach social pressure (as opposed to doctrine) as the primary motivator of conversion. The whole campaign to focus on relationships as opposed to doctrine seems to me, upon closer examination, manipulation — a tool to control people that needs very little attachment to doctrine — indeed, doctrine is often demeaned and discouraged in more liberal evangelistic churches, leaving the church to be a unit of specialists in creating cults of social control.
- Why Hes Not Emergent, by Someone Who Used to Be – John Stonestreet | The Point – Summit Ministries
“The emergents are so sensitive to issues of community, relationship, egalitarianism, and being non-utilitarian in their relationships, that evangelism has simply become a synonym for manipulation.”
27. I am angry that children who don’t believe in God have to lie and say they do when they go to school just to keep from getting bullied.
Penn Jillette with Examples of School Bullying
28. I am angry at the witch trials that are still going on in Africa, as a result of the Bible, TODAY.
29. I am angry at the Christian participation in Rwanda, which was the most Christian nation in Africa when the Rwandan genocide occured (and angry at the Old Testament for giving them the idea).
- The Catholic church must apologise for its role in Rwanda’s genocide | Chris McGreal | Comment is fr
Chris McGreal: The Vatican’s reluctance to confront those accused of murder in its midst is rooted in its refusal to face up to the church’s complicity in the events of 1994
30. I am angry at the fact that 40% of Americans will simply not vote for an atheist simply BECAUSE he/she would be an atheist.
- Gallup: Atheists, Muslims See Most Bias as Presidential Candidates
Just over half of Americans (54%) would vote for an atheist or a Muslim (58%) for president, the least among nine identity groups. More than nine in 10 Americans would vote for Jewish, Hispanic, Catholic, female, or black candidates.
Illustration of the Double Standard
32. I am angry that people don’t understand why the Christian story seems so ridiculous because they’ve been brainwashed with it for most of their lives. Many (though, of course, not all) are taken from a young age and trapped in the ideology until they die 70 years later, and that makes me upset.
If you had never heard of the Bible…..
33. I am angry that most churches vote against secular help for the poor from government, making religious charities in charge of who gets fed and who does not.
- An Example
Government vs. Christian Charity
34. I am angry at the numerous stories I have heard of atheists’ children who were told by religious teachers and religious peers that their parents were going to hell, causing tear-jerking grief.
35. I am angry that one of the ways slavery was (and still is) justified is that it at least taught us negro heathens Christianity.
36. I am angry at the social stigma many single mothers receive because of the Bible’s false sense of morality.
- JK Rowling: Single Mums ‘Face Stigmatisation’
The Harry Potter author attacks the “strivers versus skivers” attitude as she tells of her own struggles as a single parent, much of which was in churches.
37. I am angry that the same people who see obvious problems with taking the Bible “literally” have no problem with it being given to people, raw, overseas.
- Conservative Anglicans look to the Third World
This article highlights the differences between the more liberal countries who gave the third world the Bible, and the third world countries who read it literally and have conservative, sometimes oppressive, interpretations of it.
38. I am angry that Christianity encourages people to rejoice in their suffering, often making them feel guilty for feeling deep pain, hurt, and/or anger.
- The Psychology of Apologetics: Sin | de-conversion
Lewis suggests that….a true Christian, in harmony with God, is satisfied with God. Therefore, any suffering you feel is the result of wanting or experiencing something that is disrupting that blissful harmony that is yours for the asking.
39. I am angry for Christianity moralizing the position people are in life — those who make good money often are more respected than those who do not, because they are “blessed” by God, and God supposedly puts every person where they are supposed to be. I am further angry that many of the more wealthy Christians deny this while not denying it every time they talk about how God has “blessed them so richly with a nice house and a good income” and so on in a way that bolsters their standing before other people.
- Boasting Blessings by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar on Creators.com – A Syndicate Of Talent
“I can’t help but be jealous of her good fortune, yet I always reply by saying how happy I am for her. Still, it seems as if she is trying to rub my nose in it. I keep my mouth shut as she goes on and on about how God is blessing her daily.”
40. I am angry with the fact that wealthy individuals in churches can and do pay to control their churches and, by extension, the people in them.
- http://magazine.nics.org/magazine/article/influencing-the-influential
“When wealthy people are in church, they often receive special treatment because of their wealth.” Although this article seeks solutions, it does state this is a common problem.
- Conservative Christian Slut-Shaming, Boys Will Be Boys, and Identity Formation
“Apparently, after seeing one ‘sexual’ picture of a teenage girl, guys are only able now to think of that teenage girl as a sexual object. The idea seems to be that ‘boys will be boys’ is true.”
42. I am angry that the stats for how often Christians and Atheists “sin” is about the same (or higher for Christians), and yet Atheists are told they have no morality.
- Atheist marriages may last longer than Christian ones – Salon.com
“Research suggests American divorce rates are highest among “Bible-believing” Christians.” - Christian Piatt: Are Atheists Better People Than Christians?
“Back when I waited tables, the Sunday after-church crowd was the absolute worst of the week to wait on.”
43. I am angry that Christians insist, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, that Atheism is akin to nihilism simply because the Bible tells them so.
- Atheism and nihilism
An example from a Christian Apologist.
44. I am angry that Atheists are told by Christians they have no basis for morality, and then say they do because they follow the commands of an imaginary creator who just happens to be right about everything, just because. Morality is a system we made up to help us navigate the world — it can be refined and theorized. WE are the basis for our morality — we would have to be — and I get angry when Atheists are denied input into a moral system because Christians are committed to one that is about 3000 years old.
45. I am angry that when I am criticizing ideas and am CAREFUL not to demean people themselves, I am then demeaned as a human being AND my ideas are criticized AND I am told that I should not demean people.
46. I am angry that often when someone ends a conversation on religion with “I’ll pray for you,” they mean to insinuate that YOU need intervention from their imaginary God and THEY are fine. I further get angry when they use the phrase to guilt-trip you into accepting Christianity because they pray for you so often.
- “I’ll Pray For You”: Seven Reasons It Makes Atheists Angry
Often, Christians state that the phrase “I’ll pray for you” makes atheists angry because atheists actually secretly believe in the power of prayer, but there are more plausible possibilities.
47. I am angry because religion somehow got attached to denying women the right to reproductive help.
- How Abortion was Linked to Pro-Segregation as an issue for the Religious Right
The modern religious right formed, practically overnight, as a rapid response to the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade. Or, at least, that’s how the story goes. Here’s the reality…
48. I am angry that Christianity teaches that we are so evil that we need to replace ourselves with the self God gave us — taking away our individuality and what makes it unique.
- What does it mean to “deny yourself”?
A person hung on [a cross] until his skeletal structure collapsed and he suffocated to death…his body drowning itself in its own fluids.We are to live in such a way that it is apparent to everyone that we have died to ourselves…and live for God.
49. I am angry that the entire, amazing, real universe is so often reduced down to an incredibly small myth that is used to intimidate and control individuals.
“It’s Just Out Of Proportion”
50. I am angry that if you doubt you need “help” in the Christian scheme — whereas if you have faith, you’re good to go. Faith should not be a virtue. In every other part of life, it’s not — why should it be here?
- Faith and Doubt | Reasonable Faith
“Remember: Doubt is not just a matter of academic debate or disinterested intellectual discussion; it involves a battle for your very soul, and if Satan can use doubt to immobilize you or destroy you, then he will.” — William Lane Craig
- Why Predators Are Attracted to Careers in the Clergy | Psychology Today
Some further insight into a serious phenomenon. By Joe Navarro, M.A….
52. I am angry that the moment you step outside of Christianity, not only do you lose all credibility — you are seen as worse than a regular unbeliever who has never heard the Gospel (due, in part, to scriptures like that in Hebrews 6).
- Hebrews 6:4-6 – Escape to Reality
“Those who have never heard the good news of God’s grace may yet receive it. But those who have heard and hardened their hearts toward it, are well and truly lost.”
53. I am angry that many Christians lie (as many former believers have confessed) and insist they are not afraid of hell, which allows them to publically ridicule or demean honest Christians who say that they have a supposedly irrational fear of a place that’s infinitely worse than their worst nightmares that they would be in for infinity if they didn’t believe in God. These same Christians will turn around and say, “The reason I don’t do XYZ is because there are laws against it, and you’ll go to prison.” OK — so you can understand fear of prison but not fear of hell? Either you haven’t given much thought about what hell is, or you’re lying through your teeth.
54. I am angry that, in many churches, worship is set up like a giant trance session — the room is fairly dark, people are told to close their eyes, they are told to raise their hands, they are told to forget about everything else, the people who are most “lost” in the trance are the models for the rest — effectively brainwashing individuals week by week with a skillfully crafted, nearly hypnotic, environment.
Example of Hypnotic Suggestion in Religious Setting
55. I am angry that Jesus’ advice to not worry about life is actually followed by people (to their detriment) who SHOULD worry about life, and that his statement that if you seek first the kingdom of God, “all these things will be added to you” creates, in many segments of Christianity, poor people who think the answer is following God more when it is actually stepping back and being rational about the world. I am further angry that when people who trust in these scriptures most say, “I followed God. Why is this happening to me?” they are told by people whose didn’t invest as much in God as them but happen to be in a better position (partly because they WERE more rational) that they need an attitude adjustment and need to be further dedicated because they are worrying too much.
- Look Again and Think | My Utmost For His Highest
Christian Advice: “Whenever there are competing concerns in your life (Jesus tells us not to worry about these things), be sure you always put your relationship to God first.”
56. I am angry that evangelical associations like the International House of Prayer use the squeaky-clean, “revolution”-type, trendy Christianity to take missionaries to countries like Uganda and preach messages about the “crime” of homosexuality that they cannot teach in the United States, resulting in so much anger against homosexuals in Uganda that there are strict laws against homosexuality that many Ugandans are fighting to make stronger (for example, life imprisonment for one homosexual act, and capital punishment for multiple homosexual acts).
- Foiled in the United States, Anti-Gay Evangelicals Spread Hate in Africa | Mother Jones
“Under the leadership of pastor Mike Bickle, IHOP has poured millions of dollars into Uganda—much of it filtered into local churches and missions with explicitly anti-gay agendas.”
57. I am angry that if I were to die right now as non-Christian, many of my friends and families will think that I was burning in hell every moment of the rest of their lives. Worst funeral ever. I am further angry that this phenomenon has already happened countless times and will likely happen countless more times.
58. I am angry that the United States has a long history of being seen (falsely) as a Christian nation that is therefore better than other nations and should be protected and have as much control as possible (the “City on a Hill” concept), because this has caused untold destruction to other countries and to people — like Native Americans — in this country. I am further angry that we fail to see our hypocrisy when Muslim nations say the same thing. This mentality goes back to the crusades and it is STILL happening.
- The Religious Origins of Manifest Destiny, Divining America, TeacherServe©, National Humani
“Manifest Destiny” claimed that America had a destiny, manifest, i.e., self-evident, from God to occupy the North American continent south of Canada. It was also clearly a racial doctrine of white supremacy.
59. I am angry that the military is full of religious chaplains, but literally bars atheists from the job position.
- Yes, There Are Humanists In The Military And Here’s What They’re Fighting For
“Last year, the House Armed Services Committee struck down an amendment to the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act requiring the Department of Defense to recognize humanism within the military Chaplain Corps.”
60. I am angry that the Boy Scouts of America don’t allow atheists to serve as Boy Scout leaders — and only a couple months ago allowed atheists to be Boy Scouts at all (many Boy Scouts who were atheists had to lie).
- Why Johnny can’t Scout: If he’s gay, he’s out at 18. But if he’s atheist, he’s out immediately. | On
“Johnny has a problem. If he says he is an atheist, he will have to quit and never be able to have anything to do with Scouting again. So, he pretends to believe in God….He lives a lie.”
- Induced Abortion in the United States
“At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and at 2008 abortion rates, one in 10 women will have an abortion by age 20, one in four by age 30 and three in 10 by age 45.”
62. I am angry that the United States has the HIGHEST incarceration rate IN THE WORLD (not just among developed countries, but among ALL countries), and one of its HIGHEST recidivism rates in the world, as well, partly because of the false mentality that “sinners” deserve to be punished, which is a clear implication of the concept of hell. I am further angry when I see other atheistic countries in northern Europe in which the goal is not punishment, but rehabilitation, and look at their admirably low incarceration rates and recidivism rates, and think about how much better off we would be if we got rid of this destructive concept of hell.
“One of the sources commonly invoked to defend retributive ideology and harsher sentencing practices is the Hebrew Bible, also known by some as the Old Testament.”
63. I am angry that I Corinthians chapter 1 out and out states that the philosopher and scholar cannot understand Christianity, effectively making it immune in many people’s minds from the critique it needs — if you speak about it you’re often automatically wrong because, “You’re a scholar,” and you get trapped in that box when you really have important things to say.
- 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Written sermon foolishness of cross | Scott Knowlton’s Blog
“Paul tells us there are those who don’t believe,who call those who do believe in the message of the cross, and the salvation and everlasting life that it brings, ‘foolish.’Yet in reality, they are the ones who are foolish.”
64. I am angry at the fact that a major reason so many people are Christian today is because there were several inquisitions, forceful conversions on entire tribes, and aggressive punishment and laws against speaking against religion that were enforced by government because of no separation between church and state.
- An Example of the Violent Spread of Christianity
“When the Spanish and the Portuguese initiated an era of global exploration and conquest in the late 15th century, the reaping of souls became inextricably woven with the conquest of land, peoples, and resources.”
65. I am angry that atheists are not allowed allowed the same privileges as religious individuals, who are allowed to go into the prisons as chaplains and convert the inmates – and that prisons in the United States often become a Christian conversion mill for individuals due to the conditions there, the powerlessness of the inmates, and the exaltation of Christian principles.
- Why God Is Found Behind Bars
“The conversion narrative “works” as a shame management and coping strategy…”
66. I am angry that the Christian answer to doubt is that it is Satan testing you, but that God wants to use it to strengthen your belief. If doubt, then, brings you back to God, it’s fine, but if it doesn’t it is hard proof that Satan is winning. This ingenious device has trapped people in Christianity for years, because I know from experience that (almost?) nothing is scarier than thinking you are being decieved by Satan and that Satan is winning. I am further angry that people who doubt and are manipulated into coming back to God from that doubt often see people who have this fear of being decieved by Satan like individuals who have a mental illness, and as somewhat inferior religious people who they need to pray for and pity.
67. I am angry at the social alienation many in the Bible belt physically experience when they say they are no longer able to believe the Bible’s incredible story — often losing friends and family in truly disturbing ways.
68. I am angry that Christianity states people should follow a certain behavioral code that NOBODY follows — but Christians are seen as still squeaky clean in significant segments of Christianity when not following them, because grace. Atheists, on the other hand, are often denigrated wherever they break the code, and it is used as proof that they are “still in their sins.” I am further angry that the socially constructed guilt that comes from this denigration is used to say that atheists who were formerly Christian left Christianity solely because they wanted to sin and not for any justifiable reason — which immediately causes them to stop being heard by those in church (while those in church who sin regularly but are forgiven by “grace” still keep their credibility). I am further angry when the concept of “sin” is used by evangelists using the Bible (like Ray Comfort) to shame people into thinking they are fundamentally terrible, evil people, a shaming that is used to manipulate them into Christianity.
- Addicting Info – Study Reveals Atheists Are MORE Compassionate And Generous Than Highly Re
“In a study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal, researchers performed three experiments and concluded that the highly religious are more stingy with money and less compassionate overall than the less religious.”
69. I am angry that many Christians, including the parents of atheist children, blame the child’s atheism on the deeply religious parents’ bad parenting. Christians regularly use this to shame the parents of atheist children, as I have seen in my own experience. I have awesome parents, and my atheism is a result of what they did right, so that makes me furious — and I am not alone there.
- Author Claims Fatherlessness Leads to Atheism
“Dr. Paul Vitz, the author of the (newly updated!) book Faith of the Fatherless,…makes the argument that we became atheists because we were disappointed in our fathers.”
70. I am angry that many atheists and Christian doubters are told that their problem is that they are putting their ways above God’s ways — when human beings have crafted every “way” they follow in the first place. In other words, the false humility of, “Unlike you, I’m humble…it’s just that this all-powerful deity who both you and I should accept without question happens to agree with everything I say, and you should submit to Him and, if you don’t, justice demands that you are tortured for eternity because that’s what you deserve” is absolutely infuriating, especially when I see it used as a manipulation tactic. That is, in my mind, one of the proudest positions you can have, especially if you believe that with no evidence and take pride in your “faith.”
- An Example: One Christian’s Theory On The Arrogance of Atheists
“Atheism….represents the proudest of the proud….In contrast, Christian faith produces rue humility and a deep love and compassion for others….from Christ who lives within those who trust Him and follow Him.”
- What Are The Goals of the Atheist Movement?
“’It doesn’t do any good for atheists to argue with believers about religion, or to make fun of religion, or to insult it.’ We see this argument a lot among atheists.” — Greta Christina
72. I am angry that the verse, “If a man does not work, he should not eat” is used to moralize employment situations. If a man does not work, maybe it’s because he has a hard time finding work. Maybe this is an opportunity to have compassion on him instead of thinking the Bible defines his situation and what he deserves.
“Lazy people don’t learn their lesson if they are continually supported and excused for bad behavior. If God rejects the craving of the wicked, so should we.”
73. I am angry that the Old Testament stories of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac at God’s command (even though he was stopped) and Jephthah killing his daughter after making an oath to God (Judges 11) are stories that teach Bible-readers that a nonexistent God is more important than the lives of their children. It seems clear that this conviction has been a source for several parents who have claimed that God commanded them to kill their kids (cf. Deanna Laney, Carlos Rico, Jennifer Cisowski, LaShaun Harris, and several others).
- CNN.com – In interview, mother details delusions that spurred her to kill sons – Apr 1, 2004
“The Lord told Laney the end was near, He was coming and she needed to kill her sons to prove her complete and unconditional faith in Him, Laney told a forensic psychiatrist in December.”
74. I am angry at the concept of demon possession in the Bible, which has resulted countless times today and throughout Christian history in traumatic exorcisms instead of the medical treatment and understanding that the mentally ill individuals need.
- My family thinks an exorcism will cure my mental illness.
“This is the 21st century, and an unwillingness to accept that mental illness is just that—an illness—seems an act of willful bigotry not amenable to reason.”
75. I am angry that the concept that homosexuality is an abomination in the Bible is the ONLY reason why Christians refuse to see gay relationships as legitimate ones that can be christened as marriages — when the Bible, at the same time, seems to have no problem with polygamy (on the man’s side, not the woman’s) and the taking of multiple concubines — who aren’t wives, but are there for sex purposes.
76. I am angry that circumcision — the cutting of a person’s genitalia — is regularly performed without a male’s consent when he is an infant.
77. I am angry at the Biblical concept that what you have, you should thank God for — because the implication is that God has “blessed” you with it. Saying God blessed you with something is a way of claiming a right to it that other people, whom God hasn’t blessed in the same way, don’t have. I mean, the clear, logical implication of this thinking is that one person is “blessed” with riches while another has been “blessed” with poverty and malnutrition — and the subtext is that each should be grateful for what he has. Paul’s statement that he’s learned to be content in every situation (Philippians 4:11-12) indicates that it’s a virtue for the poor to be as satisfied with their lot as the rich. This thinking masks very real social changes that need to take place for the suffering to be cared for, so it makes me, at times, absolutely livid.
78. I am angry that Christianity creates the very problem of sin and the concept of the sinner, along with all the psychological damage that problem and concept causes, that it then claims it is the solution for.
Note: A different list has been recommended in the comments, and I thought it would be helpful to include it here: Greta Christina’s book Why Are You Atheists So Angry: 99 Things That Piss Off The Godless. As of writing this note, I have not read it, but it comes highly recommended and Greta Christina is an excellent author.
2 responses to “Why I’m Angry: An Anti-Theist’s 78 Reasons”
I think you just compiled one of the best lists of why an atheist can be angry…We are not angry with the Christian God, we are angry with the two-faced lies, pain, shame, and damaging emotions, physical and mental affects Christianity has on its survivors.
Thank you Runa! And yes, that’s an accurate statement. The impact Christianity often has on its survivors — when they turn the Christianeze back on them — is horrific. And the upsetting thing is that I suspect many Christians know it.