I saw both of these awhile ago. But I didn’t write about it cuz I thought it’d be petty.
What bothers me, though, and why I’m finally writing this is that people are trusting these two YouTubers to be “experts” on topics that they know nothing about.
It’s not even primarily that I disagree with them. It’s that…they don’t know what they’re talking about. And they are so proud and sure their ignorant views are correct that they say things that are so………yeah.
First up is the YouTuber “Some Black Guy.” I’ve watched this part of his video several times to see if he’s joking. Because it is beyond my mind how anyone could seriously make the argument he makes.
And he seems serious. I dunno. I wanna believe it’s sarcasm. I really do. But the rest of the video is clearly serious, he integrates this statement into the rest of his argument, and he never says he’s kidding.
Like…this guy actually means what he said.
So, background on this video. Some Black Guy is talking about Kathy Griffin’s decision to make a disturbing photo of Trump — it’s basically her holding Trump’s severed head, which is covered in blood. And her original reason for the photo was that it reflected Trump’s statement once that she had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her…whatever.” So, Kathy Griffin, long story short, had a press conference about this in which her lawyer came out and, among other things, accused Trump of being “the most woman-hating and tyrannical President in US History.”
And Some Black Guy stopped the tape, and said that this was ridiculous. Donald Trump LOVED women. Here was his reasoning which, if you look at the tape (queued up here), seems to be said completely unironically:
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump hates women?
I mean, he talks about grabbing them by the f-ckin pussy, man.
Do you think Donald Trump would wanna grab women by the pussy if he hated them?
That is actually the complete opposite. Obviously he loves them. He loves them so much that he’s willing to go out of his way and grab some f-ckin vagina. I’m not sayin’ that it’s right; I’m saying your words are sh-t.
Then, thinking that he totally pwned that point, he moves on.
Like…how do you…how….what? Can someone explain…how…this would even REMOTELY debunk the claim that Trump isn’t women-hating? What, the fact that he sexually harasses women is proof positive that he loves them?
This is the guy 200,000 subscribers look to for sage advice on feminism? Really? And the video has about 10,000 likes, and only 200 dislikes? Wat?
Or then again, maybe arguments like this narrow down his audience to only people who will “like” his videos. Like, I turned the video off after that. An argument that bad made me uninterested in what else this guy had to say, and I imagine I was not the only one.
To state the obvious: if “Some Black Guy” had given two seconds of fair thought to feminism, he would have known that sexual harassment is the embodiment of woman-hating and tyranny for any feminist. He is literally “debunking” a feminist argument by arguing it. To think that you are effectively debunking a feminist’s claim that you are “woman hating and tyrannical” because you want to sexually harass them is way too far from understanding feminism to be seen as a debate point against feminism.
And I’m not even saying that because I disagree with him. I’m saying that because he fundamentally, at the most basic level, misunderstands what the debate is about. He is so locked into his thought that “loving women means strong sexual attraction to them” that he thinks that even sexual harassment is proof positive of love. And he assumes that’s what Kathy Griffin’s lawyer is referring to – sexual attraction. Like, no — she’s talking about respect. Duh. How the…I mean, that’s the thing. And the reason I hate to debunk this is that, by talking about this, by even trying to diagnose what the hell he’s saying and why he’s saying it (far more than he has tried to understand the other side) I’m giving him the undue appearance og legitimacy. But this was so outrageous…I had to say something.
Here’s my point: as long as he is this ignorant, when “Some Black Guy” is criticizing feminism, no one should listen to him. Not because he’s wrong, but because he doesn’t even know ANYTHING about feminism, and he’s too proud to find out. He is not qualified to debate it any more than an American conservative who doesn’t know what a Democrat is would be qualified to run for President.
Like, really. There are some interesting people from “the other side” I can stand, but I had to stop this Some Black Guy video — not just because I disagree, but because HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT HE’S TALKING ABOUT. And somehow he’s a respected YouTuber in the anti-SJW community. I’ve seen and heard of him gaining some prominence. With arguments like THIS. Which says very disturbing things about that community and audience.
OK. One more rant.
Blaire White.
Oh, Blaire White.
I’ve talked about her before, but didn’t get around to something that’s been bugging me about her last video. So I’ll get it off my chest.
When she criticizes Riley Dennis’s video, at the place he brings up “environmental racism” she pauses the tape and this happens:
Riley: [Racists could] laugh about the people of color who will die because of environmental racism.
Blaire White: Ah, yes. Environmental racism. I, too, remember Hurricane KKK. What the– what is environmental racism? Racist storms, or something?
Wow. Just…wow.
What are you even talking about, Blaire?
No one is saying that storms are racist. No one.
How ignorant of the discussion on racism do you have to be to think that environmental racism is “racist storms”? Like…what? How dismissive of the term do you have to be in order to be THAT ignorant about it and think that admitting you don’t know what it is means you totally pwned? I can’t…
OK, so environmental racism includes incidents like the disaster in Flint, Michigan (still happening, by the way) THAT HAS ACTUALLY KILLED PEOPLE. And environmental racism criticism is NOT due to racism causing Hurricanes (wat?) but rather refers to the fact that racism is a reason that people of color are often in places more prone to flooding, or that minority-rich neighborhoods may have buildings with less structural integrity that might be more affected by bad weather. It has to do with where companies release toxic chemicals into the air and water. It’s that whole discussion. You can agree or disagree with claims it exists (though, factually speaking, you’d have a hard time disagreeing with it — there’s a LOT of evidence it exists), but to reduce this down to racism causing hurricanes, or storms being racist, is a drastic misunderstanding.
Here’s the thing that is disturbing: Blaire White has 320,000 subscribers. And the video she made that contains this has over 250,000 views — with over 22,200 likes and only 341 dislikes. She is stifling this important conversation for a lot of real-life people, and setting them up for embarrassment. Because if you say in the real world of debate, “What is environmental racism? Lol pwned,” you’ll be dismissed. Not because you are wrong, but because you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.
I can only chalk this phenomenon up to a proud ignorance. Blaire White and Some Black Guy are so confident they know the space they are talking about that they don’t know how ignorant they are.
They are not, at all, reliable sources on these topics. If you want to know anything about feminism, regardless of what side you’re on, that will help you debunk it IN REAL SPACE with an ACTUAL FEMINIST, don’t rely on people like Some Black Guy. Not because he’s wrong, but because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and you’ll be laughed out of the room so that the debaters who actually did their research can talk. Same with people like Blair White — the fact that she (and others like her) guffaws regarding Environmental Racism without knowing what it is may win points in her bubble, but people outside that will laugh her out of town. So, word of advice: If you want to engage with so-called “SJWs” as an “ant-SJW” remotely effectively, don’t use her arguments to debunk racism. You’ll end up looking ridiculous if the person you debate knows even the slight a bit about what they’re talking about.
If you really want to “pwn” us and save yourself embarrassment in the “real world” of ideas…find people with better arguments.
Thanks for reading.
PS: I want to say an enthusiastic “thank you” to all 33 of my Patrons who make articles like this possible. Y’all are awesome.