Free Speech ‘Rules’ Don’t Apply On Private Platforms

I’ve had it.

People act so entitled these days. It’s unreal.

For some reason, “free speech” has become the right to go onto privately held sites and post whatever you want on them, and to get paid for it. And for the people you bully to simply take you and your followers saying you’d love to rape them or send you death threats or dox you, and for you to simply take it.

I don’t understand this. This is not free speech. Free speech is for the company to decide to pick and choose what they do and do not want on their platform.

The popular alt-right/anti-SJW YouTubers are not in charge of Youtube. They use a service. They don’t own the platform. You know who owns the platform? Advertisers. Advertisers who want people to buy their stuff. And people who are insulted are not going to buy their stuff.

It may rack up YouTube views to make fun of everyone who isn’t white, male, cis, and heterosexual. It certainly is an easy, cheap way to do it. But it makes no sense for advertisers to buy space on a platform that is known for insulting these groups of people. People will be less interested in buying their products. That, and many successful people in these companies belong to the less-dominant groups and don’t enjoy spending their money supporting videomakers who are actively attacking their well-being in the United States. If you want to make a living out of despising everyone who isn’t on the top rung of culture, get your lackeys to support you; don’t expect advertisers to do it. Don’t expect YouTube to do it.

Here is the infuriating thing.

The absolutely infuriating thing. The thoroughly, mind-numbingly, completely enraging hypocrisy of it all:

These same people so often wax eloquent (or yell nearly incomprehensibly, as the case may be) about how other people should just take it. How you can intentionally call people names like you’re a third-grade bully and make fun of people when you find the smallest tear edge from their eyes. How you can laugh at your ability to send your minions to downvote small fledgling channels just barely trying to express themselves into oblivion, and then shrug when they start making rape jokes and sending death threats and trying to make the person suicideally depressed for even daring to show their face on YouTube.

And yet, when YouTube decides to demonetize their content, they’re the first people NOT to take it. They’re the first person to yell “free speech” — when free speech is NOT BEING VIOLATED — YouTube is using ITS free speech when it shuts people down.

These people take pride in the fact that they have minions who will follow them to nearly the ends of the earth, and will not doubt their prejudiced statements, and will do their bidding like the underdogs of a mafia boss.

And yeah, YouTube doesn’t like it, probably. Duh. I mean, it reduces the content people are willing to share. It reduces the ideas that enter into discourse. It reduces the advertisers who feel that their product can be effectively marketed on the platform.

Their decision not to monetize your videos is not, at all, an attack on free speech. It’s about those market forces working. You can still speak. If it’s about talking, you can talk. You can earn money on Patreon or not at all, still. No one is taking away your right to speak. They are just saying they’re uncomfortable with your platform.

Which brings me to another point: blocking.

There are people who love to abuse. And when the person reacts by blocking them — say, someone like Steve Shives — they act as if they are entitled not to be blocked.

But it’s not because they genuinely care about what that person has to say. It’s because they can’t call that person names and shame them.

Because — and here’s the outrageous thing — if you are going to attack a relationship a man has with his wife, make videos about “destroying” him, have your minions make rape jokes and death threats, have to deal with doxxing, have people encourage others to take your livelihood away…if you are going to do all that, the person is not entitled to take it. People are not your playthings. You do not have license to force people to let you ruin their lives. Stop being such a crybaby when someone says, “No, I don’t want to engage with your infantile behavior.”


If you know what I’m talking about, congrats on knowing what I’m talking about. If you don’t, feel free to move on. Just had to vent. I’ll return to our regularly scheduled programming momentarily.

But the entitlement mentality of the anti-SJW right is just…staggering.

Realize that what is happening regarding demonetization of videos is simply the market forces at work on a private platform, and that people have lives off of these platforms to protect, and they aren’t entitled to be your personal toys to mock with non-arguments and dogpile, and get the hell over it.

Thanks for reading.

PS: I have a Patreon, in case you want to help me keep doing what I’m doing.