Here’s a disturbing thought.
There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country.
They are, according to a significant number of US citizens, the source of most problems in the United States. I mean, look at how we treated CHILDREN crossing the border. Rick Perry and Sean Hannity went to the border and patrolled it with loaded automatics.
Looking, presumably, for wandering kids to shoot dead.
And much of this country cheered.
A bus headed towards giving children shelter and food was turned away by an angry mob.
The most popular candidate of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, speaks constantly of getting rid of “illegals.” People are incredulous. How do you get rid of 11 million people?
……’s been done.
I’m not saying Trump is Hitler.
But if Trump came out and said that “illegals” should be packed in gas chambers to save this nation from its problems…I seriously doubt his poll numbers would go down.
I think they might even go up.
Yes. Yes, it could happen here.
Kinda scares the shit out of me.