My articles criticizing the most popular atheist anti-SJW YouTuber have caused a lot of people to think I’m overstepping the bounds of my own blog, and thus ruining Patheos and my blog in the process (although that’s not all I write, obviously — just the stuff that these people come on my page to read).
Let me clarify for you what this blog’s focus has been ever since…well, before I wrote my first blog post on Patheos in February 2015.
Here is my very first sentence, ever, published on the blog — in my “About” page, which states, for those of you with comprehension difficulties, what my blog is “about”:
The goal here is to attack ideas that perpetuate marginalization in the arenas of religion, race, class, and gender.
That was before The Amazing Atheist fiasco. Like, that’s my whole deal. That’s always been pretty much it. So when you tell me I’m not doing what I promised I’d do, you really, really don’t know anything about my blog content. I’ve been doing this since before day one.
Later in that short statement, I say:
As a black man who studies race, I am also very concerned about gender, class, and race — concerns that are intricately intertwined with my anti-theist stance.
I couldn’t possibly be more clear there.
As to the idea that my posts on social issues are somehow hijacking Patheos…you don’t know anything about Patheos. Seriously. You’re ignorant. Here’s a recent screenshot of their front page. Notice the highlighted sections.
All the channels on Patheos do this — for several, social issues make up the majority of their content. It’s what we’ve been doing since forever. It’s nothing new. The only reason anti-SJWs are making a big deal about it on my blog, in particular, at this time, in particular, is that I’ve recently made a couple posts about The Amazing Atheist instead of Ray Comfort or Hillary Clinton. But he’s the biggest atheist YouTuber in the world, and he is virulently against just about everything I stand for — yet, as an atheist, he represents me. Why the hell would I not write about that, given the fact that I said this before I wrote a single post?:
I see my pen as a metaphorical pickaxe for chipping away at walls of ignorance that keep this marginalization [of religion, race, class, and gender] in place.
And besides that, ALL the atheist anti-SJWs complain about other people ALL THE TIME, more than I do. None of y’all complain about their obsession with Anita Sarkeesian, for example.
So, yeah…this blog hasn’t changed. You just started reading it just now, and want me to stop giving my readers the material I promised before the start I’d give them because you don’t like it.
Stop trying to manage me, and be honest about why you don’t like what I’m saying with a reason more than, “It’s on your blog.”
Try to show you know what you’re talking about.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I have a Patreon, in case you want to help me do what I do.