1. Thoughts on Black and Blue, and White and Gold
Contemplating links between white and gold…
“What did I do to be so black and blue?” — Louis Armstrong
2. Rage 24 Hours After the DOJ Report on Ferguson Came Out
Discussion of the DOJ Report on Ferguson should be on the front page of every paper in America. But…immediately after the incident, America didn’t care.
And this? 24 hour news cycle, and it’s over.
What few are saying is that these people have plenty of reason to riot. They did. The violence they enacted in that community is nothing, absolutely nothing, to the millions of dollars of plunder over who knows how many years that the white thugs in law enforcement and justice in the area stole from these people. That should be the top story. Not the rioting. That should go down in history the most important story out of this whole thing.
Maybe that was bitter. Did that sound bitter? Sorry, not sorry.
3. Contemplation On Why More Attention Was Paid To The Ferguson Riots Than The DOJ Report
Even the worst of the rioting in Ferguson were black people saying that they were willing to burn their own neighborhoods to the ground just to get the government to care about what local law enforcement and the courts were doing to them. Yes. It was that bad.
What’s even worse is that, if they hadn’t done so much damage to their own neighborhoods, nobody would have given a shit.
It makes me suspicious. Maybe people didn’t want the rioters to stop simply because they were against rioting. Maybe many wanted the rioters to stop so that they would be able to continue ignoring their concerns. Once the rioting kept going, many news outlets, like FOX, used the rioting to invalidate the concerns. Now that many of the concerns are clearly seen to be valid, this is tucked away in a 24 hour news cycle, and after this week it seems unlikely that we will hear a lot about it again.
Until there are more riots, because that seems to be the only way to inspire change.
If peace made a difference, there would be peace. But going along to get along only made things worse. So before you give that advice, remember that they tried that for decades. It didn’t work.
3. On Caring About Justice, Not White Guilt
I don’t care if you call it racism or not. I don’t give a shit about “white guilt.” I care about results. And if the results in this country do not match its rhetoric, do not expect or demand that I accept that rhetoric. If you say everyone is equal and that is not reflected in the everyday life that I live or an in any study of actual equality anywhere, then I will say that it’s bullshit. If you tell me that if we get back to traditional values or some such thing that th…ere will be true equality, when there has never been equality between the races ever in the history of this country, you are asking me to base an action on faith that has no evidence behind it.
I’m an atheist. I gave up on faith a few years ago. If you want me to believe, quit the rhetoric. Give me the evidence of results.
“I don’t know what most white people in this country feel, but I can only conclude what they feel from the state of their institutions. I don’t know if white Christians hate Negroes or not, but I know that we have a Christian church which is white and a Christian church which is black. I know as Malcolm X once put it: ‘The most segregated hour in American life is high noon on Sunday.’ That says a great deal for me about a Christian nation. It means that I can’t afford to trust most white Christians, and I certainly cannot trust the Christian church. I don’t know whether the labor unions and their bosses really hate me; that doesn’t matter. But I know I’m not in their unions. I don’t know if the real estate lobby has anything against black people, but I know the real estate lobbies keep me in the ghetto. I don’t know if the Board of Education hates black people, but I know the textbooks they give my children to read and the schools that we have to go to.
“Now, this is the evidence. You want me to make an act of faith—risking myself, my wife, my sister, my children—on some idealism, which you assure me exists in America, which I have never seen!” — James Baldwin
4. Message To (Predominantly White) People Following Shooting Of Policemen
Dear (predominantly white) people,
If you did not post on your wall, or like a status, or tweet, or comment in solidarity, or march, or do or say anything recognizing the injustice uncovered in the recent DOJ report of Ferguson, it’s highly disturbing for you to participate in any of those activities concerning what is going on in Ferguson now. The two policemen shot do not even begin to compare to what the police and justice system of Ferguson did every day for decades. I’m not saying two wrongs make a right. But if you don’t care about the greater injustice and do care about the much lesser one, you’re showing your true colors.
Few things anger me more than seeing people in my Facebook or Twitter feed who did not give a damn about the DOJ report suddenly all up in arms about the two policemen shot. It really reveals your priorities.
5. What Could Ferguson Learn From The Original Tea Party?
Man…people getting so pissed off about getting charged exorbitant fees by an abusive government that they protest 200 straight days and a gun goes off three times…what a bunch of thugs, right? There must be a more rational, respectable, truly American way. I’m sure those thugs could learn a lot from TRUE white patriots like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc. in the calm nonviolent poise they had when exhibiting those good, old fashioned Anglo-Saxon values of the first American Tea Party…
6. Reaction To SAE Chant
“There will never be a nigger at SAE. There will never be a nigger at SAE. You can hang them from a tree, but they’ll never sign with me, there will never be a nigger at SAE.”
— Chanted loudly by a busful of people who would insist to your face they weren’t racist. Young college students, educated, in suits. Future leaders. Covert racism is alive.
7. An Attempt To Look On The Bright Side Of Racism Exposures
Y’know…to tell you the truth, when Eric Garner, the SAE racist chant, Don Sterling’s rant, and the expose on Ferguson happened, I was kinda happy. I was like, “Yes, finally. Proof that something I’ve known is real is actually real that white people will believe.”
Kinda like MLK, Jr. and Selma. Same issue. White people didn’t think it was as bad as it was, so MLK and company showed them it was by purposefully peacefully protesting in an area they knew they were going to ge…t injured and killed in. And they came out, bodies blooded, bones broken, funerals scheduled, and smiling, because white people finally would believe them.
How many unarmed black will have to die, how much virulent, secret racism will have to be exposed, how much blatant racism will have to happen before white America finally admits it has a problem with racism?
I’m not sure. But all these bodies, broken bones, and ruined lives later, surely we black people are making progress that will catch white America’s week-long attention span more permanently. Right?