A Rant On People Who Say Workers Don’t “Deserve” More Than The Minimum Wage

I love when I come into McDonald’s and see someone proud of their job. It’s not just their job many of these people are proud of, of course. It’s their time. They are proud that they are spending their time to make me a burger and fries. They think that’s important. They think smiling at me is important. They think greeting me is important. And it really makes me feel good, y’know? Like…my life has value. The fact that this person is proud of their job makes ME feel valuable.

So…I’ve been pretty close to that side of the counter. Who knows? I may be there myself one day; it could happen. And if that ever DOES happens, I don’t want to just be moping, or just treat it like something temporary or discardable. That’s MY time, guys. And I’m spending it to help YOU. Like, that means something to me.

Me and my Dad disagree on a lot of things these days. But every single time I even THOUGHT about looking down my nose at someone for working a minimum wage job, my Dad (who for a significant time in his life earned six figures) got confused. He said that’s respectable work, and that if anyone thinks it’s not, they don’t know what they’re talking about. He said it’s where we came from. He said it’s valuable, and to never, ever, ever, ever be ashamed at the thought of doing that kind of work myself. Do that job well, and hold your head up in pride, and do your best. It’s a job. You’re working. Respect.

So that’s why I get so fucking ticked off when people say outrageous bullshit like, “That’s just a temporary low-wage job; he shouldn’t get paid a decent wage, but should work hard for something better.”

Do you really want people who serve you for a minimum wage to look at what they do as worthless?

Do you want them to devalue the worth of the hours they spend like that?

Their time is valuable. Stop talking about it like it’s time they should throw away. It’s valuable. People should take pride in their work instead of thinking it’s not worth it.

And no, encouraging that attitude through modestly raising the minimum wage isn’t gonna ruin the economy. It’ll put more money in circulation so that people can spend more. It’ll grow the economy.

What’s stopping a raised minimum wage is not professional opinions on the economy.

What’s stopping it is the failure to respect the value of someone else’s time.

What’s stopping it is some goddamn respect for service. What’s stopping it is you telling people that they don’t have a right to take pride in their work.

I mean, even if you DO think the world revolves around you…wouldn’t it be flattering if everyone in your life was proud to serve you? Maybe we should communicate that message, then.