Why I’m Happy About Ferguson, the SAE racist chant, Don Sterling’s rant, Eric Garner’s death, etc.

Y’know…to tell you the truth, when Eric Garner, the SAE racist chant, Don Sterling’s rant, and the expose on Ferguson happened, I was kinda happy. I was like, “Yes, finally. Proof that something I’ve known is real is actually real that white people will believe.”

Kinda like MLK, Jr. and Selma. Same issue. White people didn’t think it was as bad as it was, so black people showed them it was by purposefully peacefully protesting in an area they knew they were going to get injured and killed in. And they came out, bodies blooded, bones broken, funerals scheduled, and smiling, because white people finally would believe them.

How many unarmed black will have to die, how much virulent, secret racism will have to be exposed, how much blatant racism will have to happen before white America finally admits it has a problem with racism? I’m not sure. But all these bodies, broken bones, and ruined lives later, surely we black people are making progress that will catch white America’s week-long attention span more permanently. Right?